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Energy efficiency rules for new vacuum c...

Energy efficiency rules for new vacuum cleaners

Since the end of last year, new vacuum cleaners have had to follow strict guidelines by the European Commission relating to carpet and hard floor performance, energy use and emissions of dust. Although there are restrictions on high powered vacuum cleaners, the overall changes have been positive, ensuring new products are better for the end consumer […]

Pet hair problems…

vacuuming pet hair

Vacuuming pet hair Most pet owners will agree with you that vacuuming pet hair can be quite troublesome at times. Just when you think all the hairs have disappeared in a gust of air, you find several lurking on the sofa or, even worse, in your tea or lunch! There are a few techniques one […]

Dyson Ball Technology

Dyson Ball Technology

What is the Dyson Ball Technology? The new Dyson Ball technology is another of Dyson’s fine engineering. Most cylinder cleaners until now have relied on two wheels to steer. However, it’s been challenging in the making and required lengthy testing processes and various prototypes before ensuring the vacuum cleaner wouldn’t topple over when used with […]

Better way to store accessories on a vac...

Better way to store accessories on a vacuum cleaner?

I don’t know about you, but if there is one thing that bothers me about my cylinder vacuum cleaner, it’s the accessories that shoot off their ‘secure’ positions when I clean. Perhaps I am quite vigorous with my cleaning and the hose is moved around quickly, but the various tools that I need at my […]

Why Bagless Vacuum Cleaners?

Why Bagless Vacuum Cleaners?

If you are looking to purchase a new vacuum cleaner, chances are that you will end up with a bagless cleaner.  Most of the major brands and models have done away with the need for a bag to collect the dust and debris from vacuuming.  There are many advantages to a bagless system.  First of […]

Mobility problems, elderly or disabled?

Mobility problems, elderly or disabled?

I was asked not long ago by someone at Age UK what I think a vacuum cleaner for the elderly or even those with mobility problems. I had a think about how I used vacuum cleaners and what I take for granted. Using two hands to empty a dust container? Could I assemble accessories on […]